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How to Make a Continuous Dispenser in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make a Continuous Dispenser in Minecraft

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AntVenom, a YouTuber, recently found an ingenious method to employ a dispenser to make pulsing power for redstone mechanisms. This contraption is useful, equally information technology can limit the number of pulses sent. It tin can also just exist for handing out items in a ho-hum and steady manner.


  1. i

    Place a dispenser down, and a wooden pressure plate in front of it.

  2. ii

    Connect the dispenser and the pressure plate with redstone.


  3. 3

    Capsize the signal by using a solid block with a torch on the other side or on top of the block with redstone going into information technology. As power comes in, the torch turns off, inverting the signal. Utilise the inverter on the redstone wire.

  4. 4

    Identify a big stack of items in the dispenser. Arrows do not work, every bit it flies over the pressure level plate. Disconnect and reconnect the redstone wire to start it upwards.

    • You will notice that equally items hit the force per unit area plate, it sends a signal to the dispenser to drop more items onto the pressure plate.
  5. five

    To use equally a pulser, put ii multiplied by how many times you want it to pulse of items into the dispenser, as ii items are released on each pulse.


Add together New Question

  • Question

    Tin I likewise use a dropper?

    Community Answer

    Yes, both droppers and dispensers work, although droppers are recommended since it can drop out all items.

  • Question

    Do I have to fill the dispenser with diamonds?

    Community Answer

    No, you can make full it with any item! Be aware that if you put something like a spawn egg in, it will spawn something, non release the egg.

  • Question

    Why tin can't I get this to work in Minecraft PE?

    Community Answer

    Because when you lot put the Redstone Torch on the dispenser (or dropper) information technology wouldn't work. To exercise this you need to squint, and then put the Redstone Torch down.

  • Question

    How practice I brand a server?

    Community Answer

    This varies greatly on what blazon of server. If yous want to do something semi-professional person, or to support server-side mods (such as world-edit, mini-games, etc.) then look into Spigot or Sponge (in-dev). Otherwise, you can grab a copy of the official server (Vanilla) from the Minecraft website.

  • Question

    Do I need to put all the diamonds in?

    Community Answer

    No. Y'all just have to place a big stack in the dispenser. It doesn't really matter how many you put within; just put in equally many as you desire.

  • Question

    Will the dispenser multiply the diamonds?

    derpypaws 1250

    derpypaws 1250

    Customs Answer

    No, that is called an detail dupe and those are hard to brand. So, no it will not multiply the diamonds, just give you as many diamonds as you lot put in the dispenser.

  • Question

    This does non piece of work on my Nintendo Switch. Why?

    Community Answer

    The Nintendo Switch is an unsupported platform, information technology is rather newer, so this is not supported yet. This should exist added/fixed shortly.

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  • Using two dispenser loops tin can output ii times the items.

  • In that location may be a stray item thrown too far from the dispenser.

  • You can replace the pressure plate with a lever, so when you switch it on and off, information technology volition nevertheless give you whatever's in the dispenser.

  • The meaty version does non require any redstone dust.

  • To increment the amount of time betwixt each pulse, insert a redstone repeater into the circuit.


  • Don't use a stone pressure level plate!


Things You'll Need

  • A solid block
  • A dispenser
  • A pressure plate, lever, button, redstone torch, or a block of redstone
  • Redstone grit
  • Stackable items
  • A redstone torch
  • Some blocks to build a construction with if yous want

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How to Make a Continuous Dispenser in Minecraft TUTORIAL

Posted by: brownnuir2001.blogspot.com

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