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Spider Man the Animated Series Season 3 Episode 14

Spider Man the Animated Series Season 3 Episode 14

Quote1.png For so long at present, I've tried to be there for everyone. Tried to live up to the responsibility that comes with this great ability. But when push came to shove, I failed the people who needed me well-nigh. The woman I love is gone. Gone. Forever. Quote2.png



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Spider-Man tells Madame Webb that he doesn't want her advice any more than, and is not interested in the battle she claims to be preparing him for. However, Madame Webb warns him that a "2-headed monster" is about to strike.

Norman Osborn is fixing the time dilation accelerator, driven insane by the Green Goblin, who is a separate personality. He then leaves Oscorp and begins creating explosions to attract Spider-Man's attention. The Green Goblin then begins to stalk Spider-Homo, appearing around him earlier chop-chop disappearing using the fourth dimension dilation accelerator. This sets off his Spider-Sense, merely Peter is confused as there appears to be no danger. He removes his Spider-Man adjust and takes on the guise of Peter Parker again, earlier leaving, unaware that he has revealed his identity to the Light-green Goblin.

Mary Jane Watson tells Peter that they are invited to Harry Osborn's birthday party, which is being hosted past his begetter. Peter is confused and wonders whether Norman Osborn is back to normal, but takes the opportunity to detect him without him knowing that Spider-Human being is watching, unaware that the Green Goblin now knows of his identity. Peter and Mary Jane walks up to Harry to give him his birthday nowadays and cheers him for inviting the two despite everything that has happened betwixt them. However, Harry angrily tells Peter that the only reason he invited him and Mary Jane, is because his male parent insisted, telling him to "prove a little backbone" and walks off. Mary Jane pleads for Harry to terminate acting this way. At the political party, Norman acts over friendly to Peter, and over dinner makes hints to his identity as Spider-Man. To protect his alter ego, Peter creates a diversion past heating up his web-cartridges in the fireplace, causing a fire in the building.

Everyone manages to escape Osborn'south mansion, but Peter is tied up and taken behind the goblin'south glider. The Greenish Goblin takes him to the George Washington Bridge, where Peter escapes and they briefly fight. The Green Goblin then uses the fourth dimension dilation accelerator to go after Peter's Aunt May. Spider-Human being arrives home before the goblin, merely instead he decides to go afterwards Mary Jane.

After kidnapping Mary Jane, the Green Goblin takes her back to the span. When Spider-Man arrives to save her, he fights the goblin, merely Mary Jane winds up falling off the span. She falls through a portal created by the time dilation accelerator, and gets trapped in limbo, although Spider-Man thinks she vicious in the water. In a fit of rage, Spider-Homo attacks the Green Goblin, whose time dilation accelerator loses power. He manages to open up i more portal, which becomes unstable and begins to suck him in. When he reverts to Norman once again, Spider-Man justifies saving him but the goblin takes over in one case again and tries to kill Spider-Man with his glider, but Osborn is hitting and falls through the portal and into limbo besides.

Subsequently, Spider-Human being is bitter over the loss of Mary Jane, and tells Madame Webb that he never wants to hear from her again.

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Spider Man the Animated Series Season 3 Episode 14

Source: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Man:_The_Animated_Series_Season_3_14

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